About me


Hi, my name is Adam Julian Saifuddin. I am from Kuantan, Malaysia and currently studying Computer Science and Sound Engineering at the University of Michigan. I believe in engineering software for the greater good - software that maximizes human potential, boosts economic growth, and helps towards solving societal issues.

I aspire to specialize in Machine Learning and Digital Signal Processing. I am open to explore different fields but I am especially interested to contribute to Music Technology and/or Bioinformatics. Most of my recent software projects such as building audio VST plugins are music-based, but I hope to be more involved in health-oriented projects in the future. An upcoming research program that I will be part of is "Sonification of Sleep Data", which combines my passion for music and my mission in healthcare.

Besides pursuing my software engineering ambitions, I am also a musician and freelance sound engineer. I produce electronic music under the moniker 'adjuul' and released a mixtape "Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites" which is featured in A2 Pulp Magazine. I am also a band member and the main engineer for the band, Last Lettermen. While making music is my main focus as a sound engineer, I have experience in sound design for film and video games.

If you are interested in any software/audio needs, please reach out here!